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Creating a Vision using CASEy
Creating a Vision using CASEy

Describes how to create a vision using CASEy.

Updated over 8 months ago

If you want good advice on what a great vision looks like, see this article What Makes a Good Customer-Centric Long-Term Vision?

Step 1: Add vision

To start a new vision, click on the Add vision box when on the page

Step 2: Enter the company background

If you don't already have a vision in mind, start by entering your company background. Often this is as simple as copying the text from the About Us page on your companies website. It doesn't have to be complete. Here I simply took what Uber had on their website at and pasted it into the background text.

Step 3: Use heyCASEy to expand the background information

CASEy has generative AI assistance built-in. Whenever you see a icon, clicking it gives options to generate and refine whatever you are working on. Choose Improve background information, and it will rewrite the background in a clearer (less marketing) way.

Copy the result back into your company background and edit until you are happy.

Step 4: Write and use heyCASEy to refine the value proposition, customers and competitors

Repeat the process for the remaining Company, Product or Service Information text fields. Start by writing what you have, then click on the to improve the value proposition, customer description and competitor description. A tip is to pin the heyCASEy panel by clicking on the pin icon . Use the Copy button in the bottom of that panel to copy and paste using the clipboard.

Spend some time looking at what heyCASEy writes and confirm it matches your expectation. heyCASEy is to help you write, it is a good listener - if it returns poor results its probably because your initial background is unclear. Use it as a sounding board to get the company, product or service information clearer.

Step 5: Use heyCASEy to get example visions statements

Believe it or not, the hard part is done. Its time to write a vision statement in the format "In x years, uber will ..." format. Click on the in the top right of the long term vision area. heyCASEy produces 5-10 examples for inspiration. Spend some time thinking about the timeframe and the mission. Your company, product or service probably has more than one long term vision. So pick one here, and repeat this process for others later.

Here I chose the suggestion 1. The others are for food delivery, and I wanted the transportation vision this time.

Step 6: Click Save in the Top-Right

Don't forget this step. Close heyCASEy and then click the Save button.


And that's it. Your new Vision will appear on the strategy home page. Your next step is to find the challenges in reaching that vision. Can you guess the next step? (tip: bottom right, heyCASEy is always there to help).

Video Transcript

CASEy helps companies succeed by having clearly articulated visions and strategies that get solved.

This video will explain how to create a company, product, or service vision using CASEy at

CASEy implements the Continuous Adaptive Strategy Execution method, or CASE for short.

CASE is a dynamic method to align strategy within companies and achieve results, and to begin, people need a clear vision to work towards.

Visions are placeholders for challenges and strategies to be grouped.

I use the form "In x years, company, product or service, will achieve some desired future state" format.

But you don't have to, and you don't have to write it alone.

Let's create one together.

To create a new Vision, click on the "Add vision" button on the Strategy Page.

It will be below any existing strategies.

To get you off to a flying start, I'll ask two simple questions.

First, what is the name of your company, product, or service?

For this example, you are Uber.

Second, some basic background about your company, product, or service.

You don't have to be detailed, as I'll generate more complete background information.

A good starting point is to grab the About Us text from your website.

Here I've copied this from Uber's About page.

Click generate, and I'll write most of your background for you faster than you can say Hey Casey.

I'll come back with a rewritten company background, value proposition, customer segmentation, and competitor information.

You can edit these later, my job is to get you started.

After the company background information is generated, you will get a list of five properly formatted vision statements.

You can select one of these by clicking on the Accept suggestion buttons, or ignore all of my help and write your own.

Once you are happy, click Save in the top right.

And that's it, you have a properly formatted vision, and detailed information about value, customers, and competitors that help define strategy, but that's for another video.

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